Written by 12:51 pm Background Note, Debt Update, Insights, Policy Briefs, Research Briefs, Research Reports Views: 4

Reducing the Gap in Understanding Sri Lanka’s Gender Gap

Sri Lanka recorded the largest ranking decline of 89 places in the Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI) from its introduction in 2006 to 2019/20.

The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI) is a composite index that measures the extent of gender-based gaps in and among countries and tracks and tracks progress towards reducing those gaps over time.

This Insight shows that this reduction is due to a quirk in the calculation method, which inflated Sri Lanka’s past scores. Adjusting for this anomaly shows that Sri Lanka’s score has always remained low, indicating that the country has made no progress in closing its gender gaps over the past decade.

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Last modified: November 8, 2023
