Our Platforms

Verité’s platforms use data driven analysis to enable public accountability within Sri Lanka’s government and bureaucracy

At Verité, we take pride in offering a range of cutting-edge products designed to drive innovation, insights, and informed decision-making. Our products are meticulously crafted to cater to the unique needs of organisations, policymakers, researchers, and thought leaders across various industries.


Manthri.lk is a pioneering trilingual website which, for the first time, profiles the actions and activities of each of the 225 Members of Parliament in Sri Lanka.

As a MP monitoring scorecard, Manthri.lk recognizes the need for accountability between MPs and their electorates. In doing so, it seeks to promote transparency and good governance in order to improve Sri Lanka’s democratic framework.


Ethics Eye is a social media platform that monitors and flags violations of media ethics in the Sinhala press. The platform monitors 4 Sinhala daily newspapers and 3 Sunday newspapers and highlights identified violations of media ethics. Ethics Eye aims to create and influence debate on Sri Lankan media practices, thus enhancing the functionality of the media as a space for public reasoning.​ Click the below link to visit the platform.


Airquality.lk is a platform conceptualised by Verité Research to create awareness on the risks of air pollution in Sri Lanka and to promote research and policy reforms on the subject. One of the key objectives of airquality.lk is to help people understand the value of being aware about the quality of the air they breathe. We at Airquality.lk are committed to bridging this gap by making our data on air quality in Sri Lanka more accessible to both the public and researchers.


PublicFinance.lk is a platform for public finance related information and analysis in Sri Lanka. This blog is the first phase of the platform and provides infographics and insights that help the user better engage with public finance issues.

PublicFinance.lk aims to create and facilitate public conversation on public finance issues, thus increasing government accountability to the public.


FactCheck monitors Sri Lankan media to identify and fact check statements attributed to high-level decision makers.

The main objective of the platform is to improve the space of public understanding and information in Sri Lanka

The main objective of the platform is to improve the space of public understanding and information in Sri Lanka


Airquality.lk is a platform conceptualised by Verité Research to create awareness on the risks of air pollution in Sri Lanka and to promote research and policy reforms on the subject. One of the key objectives of airquality.lk is to help people understand the value of being aware about the quality of the air they breathe. We at Airquality.lk are committed to bridging this gap by making our data on air quality in Sri Lanka more accessible to both the public and researchers.

What do we doing?

An interdisciplinary think tank providing strategic analysis & advice to governments, international organisations & the private sector in Asia.


Verité Research strives for objective, cutting-edge analysis. Briefings, reports and data are clearly and concisely presented to ensure that clients with busy schedules have a rich understanding despite

limited time.


An informed world which engages in constructive dialogue and reasoned decision making through transformative research and strategic analysis.


Enhance critical discourse through relevant and credible information, analysis and solutions

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