Assessing Law &

Verité Research has a team of lawyers with expertise in constitutional law, labour law, trade and investment, human rights, international law, and the administration of justice.

Verité Research has a team of lawyers with expertise in human rights, constitutional law, labour law, trade and investment, international law, and the administration of justice. The team’s research focuses on three main thematic areas. The first involves constitutional, legislatives and judicial analysis. The second involves analysis of policies, regulations, and administrative systems. The final area deals with rights protection and promotion. The legal research team offers advisory briefings on any one or combination of these research areas.

Business Solutions through RTI

The lack of transparency in government operations and decision-making often results in high costs and uncertainty for businesses. In 2016, Sri Lanka enacted the Right to Information Act (RTI), which empowers any citizen to obtain information that is in the possession, custody or control of public authorities. Using the mechanism available under the RTI Act, this service will offer information-based solutions to solve problems commonly experienced by the private sector.


Sri Lanka’s International Treaty Obligations

VR’s legal research team produces analytical reviews of the Sri Lankan government’s fulfilment of commitments on reconciliation and accountability. It assesses progress in the fulfilment of the 36 commitments in UN Human Rights Council Resolution 30/1, which was co-sponsored by Sri Lanka in September 2015. VR also offers progress monitoring with respect to other international obligations, such as Sri Lanka’s obligations under environmental treaties. We are also able to customise progress monitoring of international commitments to suit the specific requirements of clients.


Verité’s legal research team provides briefings that offer in-depth analyses and nuanced perspectives on constitutional provisions, statutes, draft laws, and judicial decisions. Our past work covers topics such as the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution, the Office on Missing Persons Act, the proposed Media Council Law, the Divineguma Bill, and the Land Circular No. 2013/01.


Verité’s legal research team provides briefings on Sri Lanka’s policy and regulatory frameworks, and on the administration of justice. Past work in this area includes analysis of the National Involuntary Resettlement Policy, the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission Report, and policies on e-procurement and e-signatures. The team has also conducted extensive research on Sri Lanka’s justice administration system, including its juvenile justice system.

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